Mastering Your Lifestyle Mindset

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    • Expectations

    • How to Navigate this Course

    • Where Is Your Starting Line?

    • Mastering Your Lifestyle Mindset Welcome - Live Recording

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    Module 1 - Tackling Beliefs and Inner Dialogue

    • Intro - Unlocking the Real Barrier to Your Desired Weight Loss

    • The Science Of Thought

    • Instructions for Downloading and Submitting Assignments

    • What do you REALLY believe about yourself?

    • What is Your Inner Dialogue Telling You?

    • Gain Control Over Your Thoughts

    • Secure the Inner Child

    • Reframe Your Thoughts - Move From Negative to Neutral

    • Move From Negative to Neutral

    • Set Up for Success - Tiny Achievable Goals

    • My Small Acheiveable Goals Worksheet

    • Pilot Participants Feedback Module 1

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    Module 2 - Stress

    • Intro - The Science of Stress

    • Identifying Stress

    • Identify The Stress In Your Life

    • The Beliefs That Are Causing You to Hold Stress

    • My "Should", "Must", and "Ought To" Beliefs

    • Strategies to Reduce/Mitigate Stress

    • My Stress Reducing Strategies

    • Develop Your Personal Strategic Plan

    • My Strategic Plan

    • Pilot Participants Feedback Module 2

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    Module 3 - Detox

    • What is a Detox?

    • Detox Your Physical Space

    • Releasing Relationships that Sabotage You

    • Detoxifying Your Relationships

    • Detoxify Your Relationship With Food

    • What is Your Relationship With Food?

    • Perception of Societal Expectations

    • Societal Expectations

    • Break The Food Addiction

    • Physical Detox

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    Module 4 - Reclaiming Self

    • Post Detox - Refill With Only The Things That Make You Your Best Version

    • What Fills You Up (Besides Food?)

    • Shame Grows In Secret

    • Shine The Light On Your Shame

    • Truest Desires

    • My Heart's Desire

    • Identify Your Personal Goals

    • Turning Weakness Into Power

    • Building a Roadmap

    • Design Your Personal Roadmap

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    Module 5 - Keys to A Healthy Lifestyle

    • Intro - MISFFED


    • Meditation & Inner Dialogue

    • Develop Your Mantra

    • Inner Dialogue

    • Sleep - How Much? When? Tools for Better Sleep

    • Track Your Sleeping Habits

    • Flexibility - Mind & Body

    • Increase Your Cognitive Flexibility

    • Physical Flexibility - Yoga

    • Finding Joy

    • Find More Joy

    • Exercise

    • Quick Exercise Ideas

    • Exercise Journal

    • Diet Basics

    • Are You Chronically Dehydrated?

    • Proper Nutrition

    • Harvard MyPlate

    • Mindful Eating

    • Eating Out

    • Meal Planning

    • Weekly Menu Planner

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    Module 6 - Open To Change

    • What Is Holding You Back?

    • Examining Patterns & Behaviors

    • Assessing Current Behaviors

    • Understanding Behaviors to Create New Healthy Habits

    • What is Behind Your Negative Patterns & Behaviors

    • Developing Your Success Plan

    • Self Efficacy

    • Your Keys to Unlocking Self Efficacy

    • Handling Setbacks

    • Dealing With a Set Back

    • Next Steps

    • Where Will You Go From Here?

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Executive Director

AnaAlicia Cruz

AnaAlicia is the Founder and Executive Director of Nourish My Soul where her passion for using healthy food to heal more than a body, but also mind and spirit is put to work in communities every day. Getting hands in the dirt and nurturing life can have a profound impact on reducing stress and anxiety, while cooking and sharing a meal with others feeds more than a body, but also a soul. AnaAlicia believes in the strength and resilience of every community and brings a legacy of health, hope, and strength to the many communities she has worked in - building school and community gardens, nutrition education, outdoor learning experiences, farmers markets, youth empowerment programs, culinary training, and community meals and food access programs. Outside of Nourish My Soul, AnaAlicia can be found enjoying time with her family (usually outside!) , running in the woods with her dog, laughing with friends until her stomach hurts, or sewing fun creations.